Click on the images to be taken to the site.
Books and eBooksRSACat is our online card catalog. Use it to check your account, look to see if the library has an item you are wanting, put holds on items, or renew items (certain limits apply) all from home.
Use the Libby App to borrow and read free eBooks and audiobooks from your library using your phone or tablet. It’s easy to get started―all you need is a library card!
El Paso District Library patrons can download Boundless on their phone or preferred device. You can get eBooks and Audio books downloaded and make Wishlist's for books you would like to read. To log in, select El Paso District Library and then put in your Library Card and your password. If you need help, please don't hesitate to call or come in with the device.
Use hoopla for audiobooks, eBooks, movies, TV shows, music, and comics! All you need is your library card number and your password.
You can look up a book or get book recommendations based off of the grade level, lexical range or interests for a child.
ExploringEBSCO is now free for all Libraries in Illinois.
EBSCO has information for High Schooler's and Adults for college and job resources. They also have Auto Repair Source for you to find your type of car to get information. Novelist K-8 can help you find books within the same Lexile range or theme to find a next good book for kids. Explora is just like classic EBSCO, just with a redesign. College and Job Career Resources: Click Here Auto Repair Source: Click Here Novelist K-8: Click Here Explora: Click Here Classic EBSCO: Click Here Explore More Illinois makes it possible for member libraries to offer free passes, discounted admission, and other deals from a wide variety of Illinois cultural attractions to library cardholders. You will need to login with your library card number and your password.
Ace that Illinois driving test by using these practice tests!
We are Talking Book Ambassadors! If you (or someone you care for) are unable to comfortably read standard print due to a temporary or permanent visual disability, a physical disability that prevents holding a book or turning pages, or a reading disability such as dyslexia, the talking book program can help. The library has a Talking Book Machine that you we can demonstrate for you! We can give you an application to fill out for Talking Book Services, also. For more information visit or click here for a PDF.
You can access old newspapers for research or reference through clicking on the image. You will have access to everything and won't have to pay.
DIGITAL REELYou can access El Paso Journals here.
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