Honoring and Preserving Our Past
In 1906, the Ladies' Library Association of El Paso realized their thirty year dream of a permanent public library when El Paso received a grant from philanthropist Andrew Carnegie to construct a beautiful two story library. Prior to 1906, the LLA had operated a volunteer library in various locations throughout the town. The library has served our town for over 100 years. Situated at the heart of town in Jefferson Park, it is convenient to the elementary, middle and high schools and has brought the world to El Paso through the printed word. While the methods of delivery have changed over the last century, the mission of the El Paso District Library never has -- to offer books, services and knowledge to all; to instill a love of reading in citizens of all ages; and to promote education and lifelong learning to the people of our area. Libraries are an important part of American democracy and life, and the El Paso District Library remains a centerpiece and gathering place for our community. Building Our Future Several years ago, the El Paso Library Board of Directors began discussing how to balance the beautiful, historic nature of the current library with growing needs for room, technology and building access. Their conclusion: to serve the people of El Paso and future generations, a substantial addition to the current library was needed. In 2003, a consultant was hired to assist the Library Board in assessing the current building and planning an addition. The plans created significantly add to space and make all levels of the library accessible, while retaining the distinctive look of the existing library. Improvements with the Expansion Project
We were thrilled to celebrate the grand opening of our new facility on May 3rd, 2014. Hundreds of people came to enjoy the day and explore the new building and updated areas. We are grateful to our community for their support, as this expansion was completed solely with grants and donations from our friends. |
EL PASO DISTRICT LIBRARY STUDY ROOM A small room with table and chairs that can be closed off for private work or study. This room can be reserved in advance. THE YAMBERT FAMILY READING ROOM A generous bequest from Dorothy Yambert's estate allowed for this cozy area in the upper level of the original building. ACTIVITY ROOM This multipurpose room can be used for gatherings. Reserve it for a birthday party! The epoxy floor makes for easy cleanup! It is available only during open library hours. COMPUTER AREA Six computers and two special touchscreens (for children under 3rd grade) are available for research, browsing, and simple computer needs. THE LESTER PFISTER HISTORY & GENEALOGY ROOM This room in the historic part of the library contains a museum of local history items, special exhibits, genealogy information, and a computer to view digital newspaper information. EDWARD & MARJORY HEIKEN CHILDREN'S ROOM The children's area features thousands of picture books, a fun velcro wall, lots of seating and our infamous dollhouse. Bored at home? Kids love to sit down in a comfy spot and look at our selection of books and activities. CHILDREN'S CRAFT & STORY ROOM This bright and fun room is used by the children's librarian for story and craft time. YOUNG ADULT AREA A retreat for young adults that is set away from the main library activities. DRAKE FAMILY - HEARTLAND BANK COMMUNITY ROOM This room may be reserved for persons or organizations engaged in educational, cultural, civic, intellectual, and charitable activities. This room has a limited supply of various audio-visual equipment, such as a laptop and projector. The room can hold up to 75 people in a seating-only arrangement. Only light refreshments are allowed in this room. |
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